Daiane Santos

I am a passionate UX designer with a unique background and an unwavering commitment to creating meaningful user experiences. After recently graduating from Hyper Island in Sweden in 2022 and fulfilling one of my dreams, I am on a mission to bring my expertise to the forefront.

Inspired by Art, Tech and Stories

Inspired by Art, Tech and Stories

My passion lies in problem-solving and critical thinking. I often seek inspiration from art museums and ponder intriguing questions, like the preferences of the Mona Lisa and Plato's view on modern app navigation. I am fascinated by watches and cars, appreciating the stories they tell about user expectations and preferences, rather than desiring ownership.

A Multifaceted Journey

A Multifaceted Journey

My journey started in Brazil, but I have lived in Argentina since I was four. I pursued various technical studies, including economics, fashion design, teaching, and healthcare. I also founded my own sustainable fashion company, WAYNA, in Peru, reinforcing my commitment to sustainability and user-centered design.

My Dream Job?

My Dream Job?

My goal is to work as a UX Speculative, exploring and shaping the future of user experiences. I am passionate about pushing boundaries and envisioning innovative solutions that transcend the conventional.

Mastering the Arts

Mastering the Arts

When I'm not unraveling the world's puzzles, you can find me training Brazilian jiu-jitsu or expressing my creativity through painting and photography.